At the time the school was enrolled with the OSTAs, the Otago Southland Theatre Awards. These awards are held annually and recognise excellence in theatre across Otago and Southland.
As you may be aware, we were excited to be nominated in four categories:
Best Properties
Best Set
Best Leading Male in a Musical - Maz Cameron
Best Youth Production
We're really excited for these nominations, especially Maz's as he is up against performers who are professionals in the industry. No mean feat just to receive a nomination!
Unfortunately the event that was set to go ahead this Saturday, 26th in Gore, has been cancelled. However the very-silver lining is that the event will now be streamed live on Facebook. If you're keen to check it out, go onto FB and like the page 'OSTA's - Otago Southland Theatre Awards'.
The live event streams this Saturday night from 7:30 p.m.
Get out the popcorn and put the champagne on ice!
Ngā mihi nui,
Nick Meissel