Please find attached key information and start up plans for 2022. We would like to remind you that all students are required to wear a face mask at school.
Tuesday the 1st of February all Year 13 students:
Meet in the Hall for an 8:40am start. Year 13s will then spend the day in school until 1pm at which time they are free to go home. Please dress appropriately for learning.
Wednesday the 2nd of February all Year 9 and 13 students:
Meet on the Performing Arts Green for an 8:40am start. This is the area in front of the Performing Arts block and alongside the Hall.
Any other students in Year 10, 11 or 12, starting at Dunstan High School in 2022, will also need to meet here at this time.
It is expected that all students are in correct and full uniform for this day.
Students should bring their device, pens, water and any food they would like for morning tea and lunch. A sausage and some fruit will be provided at lunch for all students. If your student has any special dietary requirements please let us know.
Classes will run as per the timetable period 4 and 5 for years 9 and 13 (don’t worry if you do not know what your timetable is yet).
New Year 10, 11 & 12 students will be able to go home at lunch.
Buses will run at normal times on this day.
Thursday the 3rd of February all Students:
8:40am: All students meet in your house areas
Caples - Outside the Library
Rees - Hall
Haast - T Block courtyard
Pyke - Outside G2/G3
9:55 Year 9 and 13 students move to their areas for the mihi whakatau in front of the whare.
9:55 Year 10, 11 & 12 to attend Period 2 as normal.
Unfortunately due to being in the Red Light system whānau will not be able to attend our mihi whakatau this year.
Period 3, 4 and 5 will be normal classes for all students