DHS Board Elections 2022
DHS Board Elections 2022
Dunstan High School Board of Trustees needs you! NZ School Board elections have been set for September 2022. A few of our current Board Members have signalled they will be stepping down after many years of support. Here's your chance to get involved.

What do Trustees do?

Trustees on a school Board of Trustees work together to make sure every child/tamariki reaches their highest possible standard in educational achievement. As part of that key responsibility, here are some of the things boards do: 

  • Work with the Principal and consult with staff, students and the community 
  • Set the educational goals and strategic direction of the school
  • Monitor progress and let parents know how the school is progressing against its annual targets and how well students are achieving
  • Decide how the school’s funding will be spent
  • Support the school’s Principal and support the development of all staff
  • Oversee the management of staff, property, finances, curriculum and administration

For more information on what being a Board member entails - visit this website

Our Board currently meets on the last Thursday of each month 

At our school we are looking for 5 Parent Trustees. You do not need to be a parent to stand for election. The full list of who is ineligible to stand in the election as a candidate is on the nomination form.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school’s Returning Officer who, this year is : Dianne Quin contactable on [email protected] or 03 4488595

The timetable for the election is:
 Main Roll closes:                   Wednesday 13 July
 Call for Nominations:            No later than 15 July (Note is in the School Holidays)
 Supplementary Roll closes: Monday 1 August
 Nominations close:               Wednesday 3 August
 If there are more nominations than vacancies, then parents and caregivers will receive an invitation to vote either electronically or by post.
 Voting starts:              Wednesday 10 August
 Election day is:           Wednesday 7 September
 Voting count:              Tuesday 13 September
 New board in place:   Wednesday 14 September.
 Nomination information will be emailed out in the coming days.  
 If you wish to stand for the Board, it is recommended that you provide a candidate statement and photograph.
 The electoral roll will be held at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours.


This article was originally posted on: July, 27th 2022