Below you will find a summary of the key points that fall under the red setting of the Covid Protection Framework (CPF)
- Masks are required to be worn by staff, students and visitors to the school when indoors, - Scarves and bandanas are not acceptable. Medical grade masks are recommended.
- Good hygiene practices should be continued
- regular hand washing/sanitising (we have good stocks of product for this)
- cough and sneeze etiquette
- regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces
- No non-essential visitors on site
- Ventilation of Classrooms to be a priority
- Windows and doors open where possible
- Students outside at Breaktimes
- Students exit classes via external doors rather than internal corridors
- Heat pumps do not count as ventilation.
- If you are sick then stay at home and get a test - contact Healthline 0800 358 5453
- Students presenting as unwell will be asked to go home or have a parent / caregiver come and pick them up
- Link to covid symptoms
- Students with complex medical needs should make contact with the Principal to discuss learning arrangements
- Where practicable, we will not run indoor assemblies for anything beyond single year groups. Larger gatherings will still happen outdoors although we will be avoiding full school assemblies even outside if at all possible.
- Students may only go to their own home at lunchtime if they have a lunch pass (School rule anyway)
Getting ready to return to School
The Ministry of Education has some helpful information on their Parents and Whānau website to support your tamariki / children to get back to school safely.
If you know anyone in your community affected by COVID-19 and who may need help, such as food and other financial assistance, Work and Income has a range of supports available for individuals, families, employers and self-employed people affected by COVID-19.
We are also here to help. Please get in touch if you have any concerns or need help in any way.
Ngā Mihi