Our Open night is an opportunity to look around our school, see what we do and offer in Year 9 and beyond and make some initial connections with staff, students and parents. Please be seated in the Hall by 6.50pm. There will be a short welcome and presentation and then you will be organised into a tour party and guided around our school.
We will be seeking from you your thoughts on what options students would like to do in Year 9. This is what we call a preference survey so that we can then develop a timetable. We will ask you to make your final decisions on subjects around week 5 of Term 4.
To help with this I have included the link to our course selection site. This site contains all of the information on what is compulsory and what is optional for Year 9 students. It also outlines what each of the semester courses are about. The site is:
This takes you to a video showing how to navigate the site. The following link takes you directly to the Junior Selections Requirements.
In Year 9 all courses are semester (half year) courses. In total a student will complete 12 semester courses over the year. Some of these are compulsory and then there is choice!
In Year 9 all Äkonga will complete:
2 semester courses in Mathematics
2 semester courses in English
1 semester course in Science
1 semester course in Social Science
1 semester course in Health and Physical Education
1 semester course from the 'Arts'
1 semester course from Technology
1 semester course of a Language
= 10 Compulsory Semester Courses - That leaves 2 optional semester courses from any curricular area.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening,
If you haven't enrolled your child for 2025 please do so using this link.