Cookery/Hospitality Invitational Lunch
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Cookery/Hospitality Invitational Lunch
On the 23rd August, our students who are studying Cookery/Hospitality through Cromwell Polytechnic prepared a lunch for invited guests. Mrs Boyte and Mrs Sanders as Haast Deans were invited by Laevin Henderson.

We were impressed by the level of professionalism and the quality of the food that came out. We were invited to view the kitchen and see our students 'at work' and very lovely to see their excitement and passion about the whole event.

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It was attended by approximately 24 invitees, so there was a lot of work put in by the team. Their tutors were on standby to give them assistance but all students showed they had put in a great deal of mahi and were confident in their preparation.

Well done to all involved!

This article was originally posted on: September, 3rd 2024