Dunstan High School Kapa Haka Invitation
Dunstan High School Kapa Haka Invitation

Tēnā koutou katoa,

We would like to invite all supporting whānau of Dunstan High School to attend a full dress rehearsal of "Te Roopu o Rapuhia te Matauranga Hei Taonga" (Dunstan High School Kapa Haka Group).

Date: 28th August
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Dunstan High School Hall

Additionally, we are excited to announce that our kapa haka group will be performing at the Polyfest in Invercargill on 30th August at 1:40 PM.

To foster connections and celebrate our students' hard work, we would also like to invite all whānau to join us for a quick kai and korero after the performance. This will be our first whānau hui in quite some time, and we look forward to sharing this moment together.

We hope you can all make it to support our tamariki, and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

Wairarapa moana, Wairarapa tangataTēnā koutou katoa,

This article was originally posted on: August, 21st 2024