Junior South Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament
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Junior South Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament
During the first week of the holidays the 9A and 10A netball teams competed in the Junior South Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament in Christchurch.

The Year 10's started in a tough pool, with two of their pool teams coming in the top four of the tournament. However, the girls showed sportsmanship, played their hearts out and had a fantastic time away.

They had many convincing wins throughout the tournament and came 18th overall. The Year 9's enjoyed their tournament with lots of learning and development over the four days. We are beyond proud of this team for their commitment, drive and care for each other. With some very close games on the last two days it was great to see them win their final game against Marian College by one goal! Overall 9A placed 19th. 

Thank you to Ms Tipene and Charlotte Abercrombie for umpiring at the tournament, we couldn't have done it without you. Also, thank you to all the coaches, managers and parents who supported the teams in Christchurch. 

This article was originally posted on: July, 25th 2024