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Showquest is New Zealand’s largest performing arts competition involving student-led choreography, lighting, wearable arts, and live performances such as singing. The competitions are recognised nationwide as an amazing opportunity to find your niche in the arts no matter your skills or interest!

Showquest 2024 was Dunstan's fourth time competing. This year, choreographers Maddie Meissel and Keira McFadyen chose the theme of Wildfires hoping that from sharing their performance people come away with a better understanding on how wildfires can deeply affect people's lives and take action to educate others. 

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All our dancers, from year 9 to 13 performed their hearts out, coming away with three awards, Best Lighting, Best Live Music and the School Spirit Award. James Avenell, our awesome tech guy helped make the performance come to life using his creative use of effective lighting while Dannika Pentecost and Bella Hubber helped put our creative vision to life through fun makeup. Mrs Barnes, Mr Meissel and Julie Ruffell helped make Showquest possible through their constant support. 

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We are super proud of everyone and hope to come back next year bigger and better. Whether your backstage tech, dance, makeup, acting or music, there is something for everyone!

Maddie Meissel

This article was originally posted on: June, 27th 2024