A Message from Bryce Clapham (Acting Principal)
A Message from Bryce Clapham (Acting Principal)
Special notice regarding Tuesday the 18th of June.

Kia Ora,

Due to a significant community funeral to be held on Tuesday the 18th June, Dunstan High School will not be able to operate a normal timetable. With a high number of staff away on this day all students are being asked to work from home. Students may use this time to catch up on existing work and should check their Google Classroom, to see if they are up to date with all their assigned tasks. If your child is unable to work from home or is attending Dunstan Hostel, there will be a small number of teachers on site for supervision. 

The buses travelling to and from school will be operating as normal on this day and will operate at their normal times.
If your child does require supervision on Tuesday, can you please notify the office by midday Monday, to ensure we have allocated appropriate space for these learners.

We apologise for the disruption this may cause to students and their learning.

Ngā mihi

Bryce Clapham 

Acting Principal

This article was originally posted on: June, 14th 2024