It has been a busy time with the Arts. The Big Sing is a national choir competition with regionals held all over NZ. This year the students will be travelling to Dunedin on the 9th June to perform in the Dunedin Town Hall against other secondary schools.

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Students will also sing at the Dunedin Railway Station and First Church. On their travels home they will have the opportunity to sing at two primary schools. There are two choirs participating, Dunstanza and Senior Girls Choir. 

Alexandra Musical Society's production of Stars in their Eyes

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 Amy Delport, Joel Neilson, Maz Maslin, Archie Reid as the B-52's

Recently a group of Dunstan students were involved with Alexandra Musical Society's production of Stars in their Eyes. Archie Reid Year 11 did an awesome rendition of Eminem Lose Yourself, and was the only student from Dunstan to perform on stage, along with Dunstan Itinerant Music teachers Amy Delport and Joel Neilson. James Avenell took on the role of sound technician with the help of Joel Omond. Megan De Cort, Izzy Smith, Olivia Delport took on various roles including makeup and hospitality to ensure smooth running behind the scenes. Congratulations to all cast & crew for a very slick and enjoyable show!

Showquest 2024

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Showquest rehearsals are going well and is totally student driven, leaders are Year 12 students Maddie Meissel and Keira McFadyen.  There are 34 students involved and will travel to Invercargill 25th June to perform their dance routine at the Civic Theatre. 

Dunstan High 2024 musical production Oliver

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Mr Meissel, Mrs Barnes and Mrs Randall working with some of the cast during singing rehearsals after school in the music room.

Singing rehearsals have been underway for a few weeks, the students will learn their lines next with Mr Meissel. Oliver will be performed at the Alexandra Memorial Theatre 13th, 14th and 15th August.

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'ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini' - My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.

Year 9 Art students have combined to create this installation. Each student painted a stylised individual fish with motifs which expressed learning, strength, wisdom, fortitude, growth and the flourishing of youth. They then worked in groups to enlarge and paint what they considered to be the strongest of designs on a larger form. Modifications were made to enhance the designs.

52 students participated in this task, images were developed and painted in 8 periods. The task required students to research information and cultural contest, develop several rough ideas, complete a colour study and then complete the final painting.

The presentation of the forms is linked to a "school of fish", swirling and moving together through the turbulent waters of life.

Year 9 Art 2022 and 2023

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This article was originally posted on: May, 22nd 2024