NBHA Youth and Teen World Barrel Racing Championships
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NBHA Youth and Teen World Barrel Racing Championships
NBHA Youth and Teen World Barrel Racing Championships

Sky Sanders, Y11 has recently returned home from where she was the first New Zealander to compete on the world stage at the NBHA Youth and Teen World Barrel Racing Championships in Georgia Perry, United States of America. Sky and another rider from NZ represented their country against 1299 other competitors in their age group division. There were 2057 competitors in total in the Youth and Teen sections at the NBHA World Championships. Sky said "the whole experience was eye opening, it was amazing to see Barrel racing in a more competitive and professional scale and being the first New Zealand competitor to ever compete at the NBHA Youth and Teen World Championships was a huge honour, something I will always remember". 

The horse Sky was mounted on, Dally, was world class, taking her onto win close to 3k in prize money.  

There were 3 runs in total:

First barrel race on the Monday, Sky ran a 16.282 second run and took 1st in the 2D International side pot.

Second barrel race on the Wednesday knocking off an impressive  .618seconds,  Sky ran a 15.664 second run and took out 5th in the 2D International, 1st place in the 3D Teen Troxel helmet side pot, 1st place in the 3D Teen girl and 18th overall  in the 2D Teen Rookie side pot out of 1299 riders.

Third redemption barrel race on the Thursday, faster again, Sky ran a 15.449 second run, finishing placing 7th in the 3D Teen Rookie, however, she sat in the number 1 spot for around 15hrs before being bumped out, pushing her out of the world finals qualifying round but still in the prize money.

Sky also got to run her horse in the Coke race where she represented NZ against other Countries and states of America where she ran a 9 sec run putting her at the upper end of the competition for a bit of fun. Sky also got to rub shoulders and meet some idols, World Barrel Racing Champions Martha Josey and Charmaine James  which was one of the many highlights of the trip.Sky is eagerly awaiting her World Championship Buckle which she will wear with pride, she also wants to thank everyone who sent her well wishes and supported her from home and NZ wide, her Barrel Racing and NZRCA whānau and her amazing team of sponsors and the DHS Sports committee.

Photo Credit - Rodeo Bum America

This article was originally posted on: August, 11th 2023