Pink Shirt Day
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Pink Shirt Day
The office staff did an outstanding job of getting behind Pink Shirt Day Friday 19th May. The office was decorated amazingly and there were even cupcakes decorated with little pink fondant T-shirts along with other pink treats for the students.

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Tessa Cowie (above) won Most Pinkiest Student and Di won Most Pinkiest Staff Member. 

Pink shirt day this year was a huge success, which warms my heart to say. Our measure of success isn't the colours we see or the donations we get, but rather the reactions we see in people. Dunstan knows that we're capable of kindness, and Pink Shirt Day undoubtedly helped in its emergence. Straying from our usual mufti and donation formulae, houses Pyke and Rees also participated in exercising kindness in the community. Activities included getting involved with our primary schools playing games, picking up rubbish in public spaces, and encouraging selflessness in other creativity-driven activities.  We hope that pink shirt day is as successful in the future as it was this year. 

Thank you to everyone for the effort you made to join our "sea of pink". Keep spreading kindness wherever you go!

A sum of $407 was raised.

Claudia Hammond

This article was originally posted on: May, 24th 2023