NCEA Information for Exams
NCEA Information for Exams


Checklist for all senior students:

Make sure you know how many credits you have and how many more you need to achieve NCEA (Level 1: 70 credits, Level 2 and 3: 72 credits). 

Login into the KAMAR portal or NZQA. 

Aim for Endorsement (46 credits at Merit or Excellence).

If you have External exams carefully check the timetable. Make sure you arrive at least 20 minutes before the exam. Pick up an exam slip from the office. 

Use all resources available to you to study for External exams (revision notes, practice exam papers, study links, tutorials, teacher feedback).

Check out the NZQA Exam study hub which has lots of useful tips and links.

This article was originally posted on: October, 19th 2022