Road Safety - Tamariki/Rangatahi Riding to School
Road Safety - Tamariki/Rangatahi Riding to School
It might be the warmer weather or a number of other factors, however I’ve noticed many more kids on bikes, whether riding to and from school, or out with their mates on the trails.

This is fantastic, as we have a brilliant environment in Central for riding bikes. Relatively low volumes of traffic, wider roads in town, more dry days than wet, and a great trails network.

However, I have also witnessed many of our young people not understanding how to ride safely on our roads. Just this morning another young boy came spinning out of a side street onto a main road and straight onto the painted cycle lane, without looking or even hesitating for a second. I have seen others popping wheelies in the middle of the road, riding all over the road, not signalling their intentions and generally not being aware.

So, let’s work on our own district development. Talk to me about learning to ride on the roads, and let’s up-lift the community to get behind more kids riding to school. It sticks for life, it’s better for our health & wellbeing, it reduces cars on the road, it makes our place an even nicer environment to live in.    

Ngā mihi nui

Chris Foggin - ARPro

Road Safety Officer

This article was originally posted on: December, 10th 2024