Marathon in a Month
Marathon in a Month
The Cancer Society of Otago and Southland invites you to participate in Marathon In A Month this November.

You can walk, swim, run, bike or row your way to 42 km between 1st to 30th November - all while raising funds for the Cancer Society's research, prevention, and support services and getting fit and healthy.

 Break it down - that's only 1.4 km daily! Participating in a marathon can be physically demanding in one day but achievable over a month – this could be a great training incentive for your summer sport teams.  Please also share this email with your sports coordinators/teams.

 If 42 km is not a big enough challenge for you, you can set the bar higher – two marathons, even three! Marathon in a month is a great way to get active this spring by committing to a goal that suits you, or your team.   

The funds raised will ensure that the 71 New Zealanders a day who are diagnosed with cancer will not go through it alone.

This article was originally posted on: October, 25th 2022