We have been chosen as one of Vodafone's One Good Kiwi's charities of choice on their new giving platform-which means they give you the money to decide where it goes.
We would absolutely love your support to vote. There will be posts on the Sticks 'n Stones social media that you can like and share as well
How does it work? Visit to distribute five tokens to any of the 10 incredible charities supporting young people. No need to register.
Want more tokens? Download the One Good Kiwi app from the iOS or Android Store and you get 10 tokens EVERY TWO DAYS but you do need to sign up with your email address.
What happens then?? At the end of the month the $100K will be distributed based on what percentage of the votes each charity gets, they then get that share of the cash.
What does that mean for Sticks 'n Stones?
It means we can take our work further, make more of a difference, help more young people and create resources for parents, together we can make bullying a thing of the past